Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The last few weeks

  Hey everyone,
   I hope you all are doing well!  
  This is our last week in South Africa and we are all very sad to be leaving such a beautiful and culturally rich place.  These last few weeks we have been back into Burlington and visiting all the wonderful people we have met and spending time with them.  We also had the chance to go into Durban city and bless the people there.  Me and some others spent quite some time talking to a shopkeeper and encouraging him to keep hope and always pray for peace,  it was interesting because he is a muslim, so we had great conversations on almost every topic under the sun.  then we met a man on the streets who couldn't walk, and was living in the sidewalk were he sat.  He spoke hardly any english, so we started off by buying him some food, we then felt like God wanted us to buy him some clothes, so we started a search for clothing.  He was very happy when we actually came back with new clothes for him.  
  we also got to work with a ministry called I Care, which works with street kids, it was quite shocking to go around with one of the workers to pick them up and discover them huffing glue and doing other questionable activities.  Anyway, I Care runs this program that starts out by having a day program for the kids, as they show progress and the ability to behave they are taken to a sort of orphanage, that has a set of rules and gives the kids an environment that they can learn about living a normal life and more about God.  I went to a school that was run by I Care and I was so happy to see this one boy who ran to me and showed me how much he had learned in English and he was so excited that he knew his times tables up to 7 and he was just so happy that he knew so much and was able to share that to me.  It truly was an amazing time. 
  Tomorrow is our last day of official outreach with Ywam Durban, and our last day in Burlington, it will be hard to say good bye to all these wonderful people .  My life has been changed so much by them and I feel that I am a better person because of them.    
                - Cheers, Nate