Wednesday, February 18, 2009

South Africa

Sawabona (Hello),

Hey everyone, its been a bit of time since my last post so i thought i would catch you up on whats going on.
Last week we moved from Ywam Durban to Missions Ablaze, which is a mission organization focused on feeding the poor. We stayed there a week and did alot of manual work. I spent many days chopping down plants and small trees to make room for a new animal pen, as well as cleaning off cans of food that they give to soup kitchens. I was also given the chance to go into Durban and feed about 100 homeless food. It was a great experience, after the feeding we felt that God wanted us to go with some people to were they slept under a bridge, we talked with them and then prayed with them and gave them hope.
One afternoon on an especially hot day i decided to take a swim in the pool, while having a Canaan ball competition with my staff member Greg, I walked over a hole and ended up in the filter of the pool. When I looked at my leg i found that the side of the hole had punctured a small hole in my leg. It didn't bleed at first, but when i tried to move blood came spurting out like old Faithful. I made the decision to go to the local Clinic to get it checked out since i could look into my leg and see inside of it. Greg and I hitched a ride to the clinic and got it looked after, luckily it didn't need stitches but every day i put iodine on it and wrap it up. After all was said and done I was fine.
Now we are at World Changers, which is an organization that teaches life skills to people in the townships, and they also run leadership training schools at the base. So Monday and Tuesday I woke up at 5:30 to get to the townships by 9, and we taught healthy living skills there. Today we did maintenance work around the base. Tomorrow i will be teaching their leadership school how to be a good listener when people disagree with you.
There is only two more weeks left on outreach and I am excited to see what God will do in those two weeks.
Thanks for all the prayers and support,